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Garland Locksmith & Keys


Phone (972) 591-4962
Mobile (972) 591-4962 - Mobile
Fax (972) 591-4962 - Fax
Address 800 West State Street,
Garland, TX 75040 United States


Garland Locksmith & Keys 972-591-4962 521 West State Street Garland 75040

Star Locksmith & Keys is a LICENSED locksmith company that uses cutting edge tools and techniques to offer you the best security for yourself or your business. Whether it is an emergency service that you need or even a complete security update to your facility:


When shopping around always ask for a proof of a locksmith license - you'll be amazed at the number of so called locksmiths, that advertise online.

At the moment we service four areas: 75040 , which include the surrounding suburbs.

Just give us a call and we'll do the rest.

For a house lockout or a car lockout or any locksmith needed

Call us now at 972-591-4962

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