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Larry And Sons Locksmiths


Phone (972) 805-2954
Mobile (972) 805-2954 - Mobile
Fax (972) 805-2954 - Fax
Address 229 S State Highway 342,
Red Oak, TX 75154 United States


Welcome to Larry And Sons Locksmiths

When you need to secure your home, your business or open a locked vehicle, you deserve to be served by the best locksmith in town.

Larry And Sons Locksmiths has the best team of professional and experienced locksmiths.

Our goal is to provide quality service at competitive prices. Fast, professional locksmith mobile service. Larry And Sons Locksmiths city technicians are well trained and equipped to handle all of your home security needs.

Our ability to give great effort and reliability make us number 1 in the greater Red Oak 75154.

With many years of experience in the locksmith field, we have solutions and answers to every problem. We focus on fast and reliable locksmith services that deliver & serve your security needs.

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