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24 Hour Automotive in Houston

5 5 1 2 Review(s)


Phone (832) 736-8418
Address 11676 Beamer Rd,
Houston, TX 77089 United States


We service most major lock brands and associated door hardware, If by chance, we don't service a particular item, we'll refer you to the locksmith best suited to resolve your issue because we believe that a happy client is a return client. We are the premier locksmith company due to the excellent customer service we provided. We now boast a high percentage of all business as either repeat or referral. We cover all aspects of the industry in a friendly and professional manner.

Reviews for 24 Hour Automotive in Houston

2 Review(s) Add a Review
  • 24 Hour Automotive in Houston


    5 5 0

    Posted On:

    “I had lock myself out of my car and the prices I was getting from some these locksmiths were outrageous. The locksmith gave a very decent price and quality locksmith service.Absolutely wonderful staff, very good. Very good!”

  • 24 Hour Automotive in Houston

    Great guy

    5 5 0

    Posted On:

    “A true fantastic work was completely done at fair and honest price, at my house i was too shocked at these guy's.. they work there butts off for me at a real low cost”

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