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Always Available 24 Hour Locksmith

5 5 1 4 Review(s)


Phone (281) 712-1489
Address 2500 North Fwy,
Houston, TX 77009 United States


Whenever you need us, night or day our 24 hour a day Houston Locksmith Inc service will be available to assist you all throughout Houston, TX . We send the best technicians to complete the job quickly, professionally and right there on site!

Reviews for Always Available 24 Hour Locksmith

4 Review(s) Add a Review
  • Always Available 24 Hour Locksmith

    Extra work

    5 5 0

    Posted On:

    “Needed to get a lock replaced, it was not urgent and tried to get another locksmith out for two days with no sucess. Called them and they set up an appointment for the next day. They called before the appointment to make sure it was still on, and were very nice!”

  • Always Available 24 Hour Locksmith

    Extra work

    5 5 0

    Posted On:

    “Needed to get a lock replaced, it was not urgent and tried to get another locksmith out for two days with no sucess. Called them and they set up an appointment for the next day. They called before the appointment to make sure it was still on, and were very nice!”

  • Always Available 24 Hour Locksmith

    Great job and value

    5 5 0

    Posted On:

    “While traveling through the area, I locked the keys in the car running at the gas station. I called this locksmith and they got there before my car over heated and it was very fast and the price didnt break the bank.”

  • Always Available 24 Hour Locksmith

    Great job

    5 5 0

    Posted On:

    “Fast response,nice guys,price was a bit higher than I thought but for that early morning hour,I guess prices are a bit higher.”

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