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Caldwells Lock and Key

1 5 1 1 Review(s)


Phone (210) 849-7667
Address San Antonio, TX 78201 United States


Caldwells Lock and Key is a top provider of locksmith service in San Antonio. Visit us soon at our storefront or call us soon at (210) 849-7667.

Reviews for Caldwells Lock and Key

1 Review(s) Add a Review
  • Caldwells Lock and Key

    Worst. Company. Ever.

    1 5 0

    Posted On:

    “Called them to come fix the lock on my business on a Tuesday AM. Told them EXACTLY what kind of lock I had and what the problem was. He made it out at 9:00 pm, took the lock apart and then said he didn't have the parts for the lock, but would return the next morning by 10 am. No call and no show. After calling them several times I was told someone would be out in the afternoon. Nobody showed up. Thursday I call again and the owner says he will be there in two hours. Four hours later I call AGAIN and he says he had to order a two-day delivery part, which is why it was taking so long. He GUARANTEED ME that he would be out by the next morning (which is now FRIDAY). Did he EVER come? No. CALL? No. By Monday, I still hadn't heard or see them, even after leaving more messages. Finally gave up and called someone else. They are now trying to get the lock off, that Caldwells removed on their one and only visit, and its so messed up that they are just trying to break it off.

    NEVER use this company”

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