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DeSoto Carpet Cleaner


Phone (972) 292-8616
Mobile (972) 292-8616 - Mobile
Address 103 East Belt Line Road,
Desoto, TX 75115 United States


Our sterilizers use a lot of different methods to clean your carpets. Not only is carpet steam cleaning a part of our business, but we’ve also began to use polishers and scrubs as well. These help us increase our versatility and make sure that you have a solution that is surrounded by many options.
Something else we pride ourselves on is being able to clean more than just carpets. Tile, grout, air duct, dryer vents, and upholstery are only a few of the things that we can sanitize. To make sure you get your cleansing needs met, you should call us. We don’t plan on letting our customers down any time soon.

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