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Discount Locksmith in Houston

5 5 1 2 Review(s)


Phone (832) 409-4402
Address 5285 Schurmier Rd,
houston, TX 77048 United States


Houston Automotive Locksmith can also help if you have had car keys stolen from you. You do not want a thief coming back and being able to easily steal your car in the dead of the night. That is why it is always recommended to change your ignition and your car locks if your keys are stolen. Houston Automotive Locksmith can provide the quality service that you will need in these situations. Houston Automotive Locksmith can also help you with rekeys to existing working locks and ignitions.

Reviews for Discount Locksmith in Houston

2 Review(s) Add a Review
  • Discount Locksmith in Houston

    Great job

    5 5 0

    Posted On:

    “I called them to have locks rekeyed and to determine if I needed stronger locks. An appointment was set for the same week. Service technician, arrived on time and was very pleasant.”

  • Discount Locksmith in Houston

    Great professional service

    5 5 0

    Posted On:

    “A five star locksmith company with cheap prices and nice people. The best thing about them is that they are open 24/7.”

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