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Hermanos Body Shop & Locksmith

5 5 1 1 Review(s)


Phone (972) 301-2214
Address 1447 S Fitzhugh  Ave.,
Dallas, TX 75223 United States


We are right in the heart of the Southwest, and we provide locksmith and auto body repair to the residents in the Dallas area.Over the years we have been operating, Dallas residents have come to know, trust and respect us as premier locksmiths in Dallas. What sets us apart from the numerous other locksmiths in Dallas? What's different about our business is that we are specialists in the duel specialties of locksmith and auto repair services. Our locksmith division is comprised of commercial, residential and auto locksmith services with an all-around-the-clock capacity for emergency services. Our locksmiths in Dallas are all licensed locksmiths and are trained, certified bonded and insured to undertake a variety of locksmith services, including re-keying, for you in Dallas.

Reviews for Hermanos Body Shop & Locksmith

1 Review(s) Add a Review
  • Hermanos Body Shop & Locksmith

    Wonderful Work Guys....

    5 5 0

    Posted On:

    “I feel stupid. The lock on my new storefront was broken, so I called another locksmith first and they said $55 to come out, plus cost of repair. Then, I called this company and they said they would come out and give a free estimate. It turned out that I just didn't know how to open lock. They showed me for free!”

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