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Houston,TX Locksmith

5 5 1 4 Review(s)


Phone (713) 487-8016
Address 1515 Lockwood Drive,
, TX 77020 United States


The good news is we are local company so we are always close to where you need us to be, it is also great that our staff are always ready to meet you anywhere in the city. We have grown over the past few years by hard work, determination and always doing a great job. We want you to know we can do all these things for you and more, in fact the list of the services we can provide you with what may surprise you!

Reviews for Houston,TX Locksmith

4 Review(s) Add a Review
  • Houston,TX Locksmith

    Good Work

    5 5 0

    Posted On:

    “Cheapest and most skilled local locksmiths. Also they are open twenty four seven. They treat there customers with respect and never make mistakes at all.”

  • Houston,TX Locksmith

    A Better Service

    5 5 0

    Posted On:

    “I just started a new job and accidentally locked my keys in my car the night before I had work. Luckily I realized it and the guy from this place was kind enough to drive down at midnight and get that straightened out! Thanks dude!”

  • Houston,TX Locksmith

    Very nice attitude

    5 5 0

    Posted On:

    “Such nice people. You don't have to worry about them trying to rip you off, there honest and they are great workers.”

  • Houston,TX Locksmith

    Neat and clean

    5 5 0

    Posted On:

    “The locksmith they sent me did a terriffic job rekeying my locks and he did it quickl.y”

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