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Locksmith Katy, TX

5 5 1 3 Review(s)


Phone (281) 653-6396
Address 24210 Franz Road,
Katy, TX 77493 United States


Our Locksmith works 24 hours a day to give you a secure place to live. Our staff is never far from where you need them, as we never close. No matter what time of day you have a locking issue, you can be sure that we will be there on time. Also the great part that we can cut you a new set of keys onsite, we can also re key your house keys as well, and there really is no better place to do business in the area! Call Locksmith us today and you will instantly realize how different we are from all the other providers in your local area, or anywhere else for that matter!If you have ever used a locksmith in Katy you know that timing is everything. There is no point hiring a locksmith if they are not going to be where they need to be, when you need them.

Reviews for Locksmith Katy, TX

3 Review(s) Add a Review
  • Locksmith Katy, TX

    Very fast

    5 5 0

    Posted On:

    “I just started a new job and accidentally locked my keys in my car the night before I had work. Luckily I realized it and the guy from this place was kind enough to drive down at midnight and get that straightened out! Thanks dude!”

  • Locksmith Katy, TX

    Good job

    5 5 0

    Posted On:

    “No matter what you are looking for, they have everything for you safety. I am impressed with their services. Fast and professional. They know very well how to do the job. Excellent guys”

  • Locksmith Katy, TX

    Very knowledgeable

    5 5 0

    Posted On:

    “I just started a new job and accidentally locked my keys in my car the night before I had work. Luckily I realized it and the guy from this place was kind enough to drive down at midnight and get that straightened out! Thanks dude!”

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