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Mauricio's Automotive Repair & Locksmith

5 5 1 2 Review(s)


Phone (832) 582-3120
Address 3803 Leeland St.,
Houston, TX 77003 United States


We are your one-stop locksmith and auto repair destination in Houston. We are known and trusted to be the premier locksmith in Houston. We are a well-regarded locksmith company in Houston and are proud to be an established and professional provider of licensed locksmiths and auto repair services in Houston.Our specialized range of emergency services, commercial, residential and auto locksmith services place us at the top of Houston's locksmiths. Smart Houston residents know to come to us when they are in need of locksmiths, re-keying and a whole host of other security and automotive repair needs!

Reviews for Mauricio's Automotive Repair & Locksmith

2 Review(s) Add a Review
  • Mauricio's Automotive Repair & Locksmith

    Super Job....

    5 5 0

    Posted On:

    “This locksmith company did a quality installation of a security lock for my high security system. The technician was on time, friendly, professional, willing to explain everything and did not try to sell me anything but what was really important and the kept my house clean. I'd use THIS LOCKSMITH COMPANY again!”

  • Mauricio's Automotive Repair & Locksmith

    Great Job........

    5 5 0

    Posted On:

    “Quality service: The first time i called was to change locks on my business and because of the high quality service I also called them to my house to change locks there. I even recommended them to my friends and business partners. They had a low price and the locksmith who came was very fast and answered all my questions and explained everything before the job was done and also clearly was someone you can trust with your home security.”

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