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Plano Locksmith Service


Phone (972) 805-4696
Mobile (972) 805-4696 - Mobile
Address 508 14th Street,
Plano, TX 75074 United States


Plano Locksmith Service, a licensed, bonded and insured company, provides fast, reliable & professional 24 Hour Emergency Locksmith services. We provide complete, affordable, fast and professional locksmith services for the entire Plano,TX area. Our technicians are equipped with the latest modern technology and are available 24/7 at your request. We stand behind our workmanship – 100% client satisfaction guaranteed.

Plano Locksmith provides 24/7 professional mobile locksmith services such as: Emergency, Residential, Commercial and Automotive Locksmith Services, High Security Locks, Card Access Control Systems, Combination Locks and Fingerprint Locks, Digital Locks, Customized Master Rekey Systems, Laser Cut Keys, Transponder Chip Key, Panic Bars Installation, Transponder Keys, Motorcycle Locks, Safes Opening & Installation and much more.

We Make Keys and Program Remotes for all Car and Motorcycle Manufactures, Including But Not Limited To :
Acura\t GMC\t Kia\t Plymouth
Audi\t Harley Davidson\t Lexus\t Pontiac
Buick\t Hummer\t Lincoln\t Saab
Cadillac\t Hyundai\t Mazda\t Saturn
Chevy\t Infiniti\t Mercury\t Scion
Chrysler\t Isuzu\t Mitsubishi\t Subaru
Dodge\t Jeep\t Nissan\t Suzuki
Ford\t Kawasaki\t Oldsmobile\t Toyota
Our Promise at Plano Locksmith is that every client has our personal guarantee that the job will be done by professional Locksmiths, and at a very competitively affordable low rate.

When you need the job done right, at an affordable price, call Plano Locksmith for all of your local locksmith needs. Call us right now at 972-805-4696. or submit our online contact form.

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